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Regulatory Licensing
All transactions require formal assessment procedures in accordance with global banking regulations Basel III + IV.

10286 Singapore
This section provides the information necessary for our business partners to prepare the business and licensing in accordance with HANSE General Terms and Conditions and HANSE HBR Business Rules. Under Setup Q3.2023.
LPG Liquefied Petroleum GasHANSE Sell/Purchase Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) is a valuable energy source that is used worldwide for numerous business applications in industry and transportation. It is abundant and versatile, helping meet growing demand for energy globally, and able to partner with renewable energy sources. We cool natural gas to liquid for easy shipping to energy-hungry places, and we convert it to make lower-emission fuels and other products. We sell/purchase LPG under mid- to long term agreements. Contact us for more information
LNG Liquefied Natural GasHANSE Sale/Purchase LNG is natural gas that has been cooled to –260° F (–162° C), changing it from a gas into a liquid that is 1/600th of its original volume. This dramatic reduction allows it to be shipped safely and efficiently aboard specially designed LNG vessels. HANSE's fleet of specialized ships link worldwide LNG production and regasification facilities to create a safe, reliable and efficient network to transport liquefied natural gas around the world.
A1HANSE Sell/Purchase Jet A1 is a widely used aviation fuel. Its casual name is kerosene.
GasolineHANSE Sales Gasoline is actually a byproduct produced by making kerosene from crude oil. Gasoline is a generic term used to describe volatile, inflammable petroleum fuels used primarily in internal combustion engines to power passenger cars and other types of vehicle such as buses, trucks, motorbikes and aircraft. We deliver all grades of unleaded Gasoline.
AGO Automotive Gas OilHANSE Sales By-products of crude oil. It is gotten in the mid-boiling range of crude oil refining process . AGO is a less flammable fuel compare to other petroleum products such as premium motor spirit. We deliver all standard specification and ship regularly from South Africa to West Africa Ports under long-term Counter Trade agreements and special terms .
HANSE Crude Oil BusinessHANSE Sell/Purchase Crude Oil transactions are privileged and controlled by "The Oil Club International" and require Oil Club Membership, or, in lieu, a SGT Single Trader Licence for each crude transaction substantially based on a regular PersonaLUnion License. Please contact us for more Information. HANSE OIL Trading buys, sells and transports all major grades of crude oil. We can leverage our relationships to your advantage. Many of our trading professionals are co-located with our Upstream company, and can provide a conduit for you to explore E&P business opportunities.
DAP FertilizerDiammonium phosphate (DAP) is the world’s most widely used phosphorus fertilizer. It’s made from two common constituents in the fertilizer industry, and its relatively high nutrient content and excellent physical properties make it a popular choice in farming and other industries. We deliver all standard specifications and packing, bulk or in PE bags (all sizes).
SulphurHANSE Sales/Purchase/Counter Trade Elemental sulfur is a bright yellow, crystalline solid at room temperature.
UREA N46 FertilizerHANSE Sale/Purchase/Counter Trade In common with most commercial nitrogen fertilizers, urea is manufactured from anhydrous ammonia (NH3). The high analysis of urea—46% N—is the main reason for the low cost of this form of nitrogen fertilizer. Freight costs and storage and handling are all lower than with lower analysis fertilizers such as ammonium nitrate (34-0-0) or ammonium sulfate (21-0-0). We deliver prills or granulated under spot- or term ccontracts mostly under Counter Trade agreements at favorable terms and conditions.
WheatHANSE SALE Wheat is a grass widely cultivated for its seed, a cereal grain that is a worldwide staple food. We supply agro-products to all world from grain to seed-oil, wheat to meat. We trade a whole spectrum of types, classes and varieties of wheat. Each different varieties of wheat, has different protein contents and kernel colors among other specifications.. For some of the types, classes and varieties of wheat we supply, HANSE OIL is able to structure and offer various financing instruments to its counterparts based on their specific needs.
BitumenHANSE Sales/Counter Trade We offer a range of products and solutions for both paving and industrial asphalt applications. Different grade specifications of bitumen, based on physical properties, can be achieved specific applications either directly via refining or by blending.
HANSE CokeHANSE Sales/Purchase/Counter Trade We believe in maintaining high quality calcined coke product. We have high quality distribution systems and blending capability to meet many customers unique quality requirements on a global scale while growing and developing our long-standing partnerships and industry focused relationships. In Asia, we provide marketing services worldwide. We provide marketing services of green petroleum coke from the HASE Refinery in Indonesia and calcined petroleum coke for our accredited traders worldwide.
Exploration, FieldsComing soon
Most attractive Sponsorship OpportunityHANSE gives clients or investors preferential market access through our private network of 2.417 license brokers and traders by way of participation in the consolidated turnover and continual success over years. You start only with a no-risk deposit of €250 - refundable on a 12 months notice - plus an all-in one-time fee of €50.Guaranteed interest rate 11,25%p.a. - projected avg. annual return based on a 3y result 18,72% p.a. payable in arrears, every 6 months. The application period for 2024 will take place in July. 2023. Email us here
Become a HANSE CorrespondentHANSE OIL has adopted a new important strategy. We seek regional or national correspondents who can be a central link and voice on HANSE OIL businesses and our local lobbying activities. This is a privileged and central key position between HANSE OIL head offices and your country. You should produce confident and clear analysis on deadline and communicate with our valuable clients, investors and applicants being able to speak to our partners and support them with equal flair and passionate about global networking producing excellent lobbying across all national oil and energy field
Refinery Processing Agreements 2023Coming soon
HANSE Code of Conduct
HANSE OIL Shipping S.A. (Terms & Conditions)
HANSE Accreditation
HANSE OIL Partner Model
Investment ApplicationApplication requires at least your Assessment Account Click here >
Finance ApplicationApplications require your Assessment Account, first Click here >
Supplier RegistrationClick to register >
HANSE ENERGY (OIL) AsiaVisit our website here. Note: you will be leaving this site.
OIL BROKER ASIAWe are the critical trade link between HANSE accredited partners and worldwide markets. Visit us here (note: you are leaving this site)
HANSE Consultants Ltd, AustriaVisit us here. Please note that you will be leaving this site
HANSE BanksFirst Bank N.Y., New York Bank of China, Hongkong Lloyds Banking Group, London DIE ERSTE BANK, Wien, Austria
Trader LevelLicensed traders are eligible to close and sign for all business transactions with HANSE Group in their name except Crude Oil- and Finance transactions. Our Traders do NOT receive brokerage support or commission on their own transactions unless working under a PersonaLUnion License (jointly broker and trader). Crude Oil-. Finance- or Investment businesses are essentially linked to separate licensing based on a PersonaLUnion License. Please contact us for more Information.
3.3 Bid AwardHANSE will award the Cargo Position and Agreement to a successful bidder who's bid has been dermined to be substantially responsive and has been determined to be the highest evaluated bid.
Spot PricesSpot Transactions include all single transactions to be shipped within max 3 consecutive months. The final price determination will be set by HANSE upon the date of signing the FTS Ferm Term Sheet but still within the price limits agreed and in compliance with the offer.
Accreditation (Assessment)Your Accreditation is the DNA of our business with confirmation of your competency, credibility and commitment of your overall collaboration, and helps to put in place a systematic approach to achieve business performance being in line with global banking standards (Basel III and IV) and requirments of law. The process involves four different truly independent steps (modular service)
License Fees are deductibleOne-time Fees based on an Assessment Account. All License Fees are fully deductible from any business transaction following the first 3 months. Assessment Fees are NOT refundable.
Broker LevelBrokers are invited to first undergo HANSE Assessment Formalities. Our Brokers are NOT authorized to close any business transaction on behalf of the HANSE Group. The Cooperation is essentially based on the HBCA Business Consultancy Agreement granting a high level of business protection and a base-commission for ALL transactions with his registered clients introduced by the broker. Automatically, our licensed brokers will be kept informed about all communication with their assigned client(s) simultaneously.
Virtual License for your clientOur Brokers only may internally apply for a VL Virtual License on behalf of a client who wish to remain anonymus at the initial business stage, or if the broker will not disclose the client's name or other corporate details. However, arrival at business level, the VL must be replaced by a regular license and the client is invited to formally apply for a regular license in which case the broker will be refunded.
3.4 Acceptance or Rejection of the BidHANSE reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid and to annul the Bidding process and reject all bids at any time prior to contract award and without any prior notification
2.0 SBF Security Bidding FeeTraders are invited to pay SBF based on the signed HANSE Term Sheet. HANSE reserves the right to ask for a partial SBF payment upon receipt and HANSE acceptance of the bid to release the FTS Firm Term Sheet. 2.9 Unsuccessful bidders payments will be discharged or returned upon the bidders first request but not later than 10 London banking days after the non-award-notification.
Explain Agio HANSE FeesWith Agio, a premium is applied in the trading or finance sector, which is charged in addition to the license or the nominal value. The premium is expressed as a percentage and is used primarily for trading and brokerage linked to the business/status and business position of our client. Another criterium is the type or size of the business required, i.e. whether spot (lower) or term contracts (higher) or the risk involved. Please ask us before applying for licensing.
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